Date: 14/07/2017
Author: NNA
Source: MOPH
Hasbani Closed his Tour in West Beqaa with a Visit to Rachaya Hospital: the Influx of Migrants Prompted us to Develop a Strategy for Lebanon and the Health Sector in it
NNA – The visit of Deputy Prime Minister Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani to Beqaa was concluded with his last stop in Rachaya Hospital, where he arrived with his delegation and Deputy Wael Abou Faour who held a luncheon in the honor of Minister Hasbani.
Abou Faour
After he welcomed Minister Hasbani, Deputy Abou Faour made a statement in which he stressed that “Minister Hasbani is working to open new horizons to the Ministry, and to inject in the veins of the state what he has learned and practised in his Life and personal work.” He added “We need to revalue the concept of integrity in the political life, and revalue the political profession that is unfortunately not respected anymore, simply because some politicians have changed the policy into a means to fulfill their personal ambitions…”
He then noted: “We welcome you, Minister, as a representative of a political party that we fought against, and now we became reconciled. We welcome you in the name of a political party that is not only a partner in reconciliation, but the guardian of reconciliation in this mountain. We welcome you, the Lebanese Forces party, and Dr. Samir Geagea. Frankly speaking, I repeat what Walid Joumblat said: the reconciliation is above everything. And since the reconciliation prevails, all the political choices at the parliamentary, ministerial and presidential levels and in any matter stem from one root, the root of reconciliation."
Abou Faour concluded by thanking Hasbani for his efforts to add forty beds and a floor in Rachaya Governmental Hospital.
Hasbani then made a statement, as he started by saying that: "Round after round, I discover the grace of God in our beloved country. How could I not fell this and my stop today is in the West Beqaa and Rachaya. This region has proven in the different stages that the country has undergone that the will to life emerges from oneself, from people and the pluralist social structure, and not an obligation or lofty rhetoric.
Hasbani also added that: “I examined closely the health situation of this region and its needs. This situation led us to establish a strategy for Lebanon “Health 2025” that we have launched last Monday during Beirut International Healthcare Industry Forum.”
Finally Hasbani spoke about the plan that is based on the development of governmental hospitals, as the thanked the attendees and hoped that Health and Hospitalization sectors will step forward.