The Information Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani issued the following statement:
Some current MPs are making the matter of the government hospitals’ support an object of political speculation, such as MP Farid Boustany’s allegations concerning Deir El Qamar Hospital in a bid to distort the transparent and successful carrier of Minister Hasbani. Boustany claimed that the Ministry of Public Health was quite indifferent to the health care matters of Chouf region and neglected Deir El Qamar hospital whose construction began long time ago, without being completed up to this date.
In order to prevent misleading information, we would like to note the following:
Minister Hasbani has always been interested in the establishment of Deir El Qamar hospital, as he followed up on its progress during his last visit to Deir El Qamar accompanied by MP Georges Adwan who has always been working on this case.
Minister Hasbani further sent a letter to the Council of Ministers on 5 April 2017 asking to transfer funds from the 2017 budget amounting to 10 billion Lebanese pounds to the budget of the Ministry of Public Health for the completion of the project through the Council for Reconstruction and Development, however this wasn’t placed on the cabinet’s agenda, and we all know who is working on preventing the support of the Ministry of Public Health and the government hospitals.
Hasbani also sent a letter to the Ambassador of Italy in Lebanon on 08/08/2018 in which he asked the support of the Italian State to Deir El Qamar hospital after it showed its interest in supporting the health care sector in Lebanon, which is still being followed up.
We hope some MPs study their own files and the background of their demands, and ask the official competent authorities before spreading allegations.