Deputy Prime Minister Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani received in his office at the Ministry in Bir Hassan the Chargé d’Affaires of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi Walid Boukhari where they discussed the bilateral relationships between the two countries, in particular regarding the permanent support of Saudi Arabia to the Lebanese State and its institutions, especially the health sector in Lebanon.
Hasbani thanked Saudi Arabia represented by the Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy for the in-kind assistance for the Lebanese Health Sector, in particular the Primary Health Care Centers and some governmental hospitals in many sectors in technical matters and equipment through the Saudi Fund for Development and the United Nations Population Fund.
Hasbani announced as well the arrival of a Saudi medical crew under the supervision of “the Muslim World League” and in cooperation with Al Makassed Hospitals to Lebanon, where catheterization operations will be performed on Lebanese and non-Lebanese children on the Lebanese territory.
Health Minister stated that a medical center will be inaugurated in Beirut with the support of Saudi Fund for Development.
Deputy Prime Minister announced that this step translates special relationships with Saudi Arabia and its determination to always stand with Lebanon and comes in the context of the commendable permanent support of Saudi Arabia, in particular King Salman Abdul Aziz eager to always stand with Lebanon.
He considered that these aids will contribute in the development of health Sector and bearing all health burdens of Lebanese citizens and refugees, as he hoped that cooperation opportunities will continue, noting that a meeting will be held in the future to improve this cooperation and achieve successes at the health sector level.