School Based Surveillance
Report of “2024-05-22”

1) Completness and timeliness
For the week starting on Monday 2024-04-29, 1551 reports were received. The completeness has reached 38% and the timeliness 35%.

خلال الاسبوع الذي يبدأ بيوم الاثنين 2024-04-29 ، تم استلام 1551 تقرير.
كما بلغت نسبة استلام الاستمارات الاسبوعية 38 % . اما نسبة الاستلام في وقتها 35 % .

Figure 1: Weekly Completeness and Timeliness

Figure 2a: Completeness by caza (past 4 weeks)

Figure 2b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks)

Figure 3a: Completeness by caza (past 4 weeks)

Figure 3b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks)
2) Reported cases from medical reports

During the week starting on 2024-05-06 of the report, the following positive culture were reported: 7 for measles/rubella, 12 for mumps, 446 for acute respiratory infection, 396 for gastro-enteritis, 13 for jaundice, 38 for conjunctivitis .

خلال الاسبوع المبتدئ بتاريخ 2024-05-06 , تم الابلاغ عن الفحوصات الايجابية التالية: 7 لللحصبة والحصبة الالمانية، 12 للابو كعب، 446 للعدوى التنفسية الحادة، 396 للالتهاب العوي، 13 لليرقان، 38 لالتهاب الملتحمة .

Table 1: Reported cases from medical reports by week
MRB: Measles and Rubella, MPS: Mumps, ARI: Acute Respiratory Infection, GST: Gastro-enteritis, JND: Acute Jaundice, CJT: Conjunctivitis

Figure 4a: Measles/Rubella by week

Figure 4b: Mumps by week

Figure 4c: Acute Respiratory Infection by week

Figure 4d: Gastro-enteritis isolated by week

Figure 4e: Acute Jaundic by week

Figure 4f: Conjunctivitis by week

3) Identified cases by inspection

For the same week, the detected cases via the inspection were as following: 2412 for lice, and 7 for scabies.

Table 2: Cases from inspection by week
خلال ذات الاسبوع، تم الكشف عن الحالات التالية من الفحص الميداني : 2412 للقمل و 7 للجرب .

Figure 5a: Detected Lice by week

Figure 5b: Detected Scabies by week