Medical Center Based Surveillance
Report of “2024-07-01”
1) Completness and timeliness
For the week starting on Monday 2024-06-17, 768 reports were received. The completeness has reached 84% and the timeliness 84%.

خلال الاسبوع الذي يبدأ بيوم الاثنين 2024-06-17 ، تم استلام 768 تقرير.
كما بلغت نسبة استلام الاستمارات الاسبوعية 84 % . اما نسبة الاستلام في وقتها 84 % .

Figure 1: Weekly Completness and Timeliness
Figure 2a: Completness by caza (past 4 weeks) Figure 2b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks)
Figure 3a: Completness by caza (past 4 weeks) Figure 3b: Timeliness by caza (past 4 weeks)
2) Reported cases
There were 0 for acute flaccid paralysis, 2 for measles, 1 for rubella, 26 for mumps, 9 for pertussis, 5000 for acute respiratory infection, 1094 for acute watery diarrhea, 16 for acute bloody diarrhea, 0 for cholera, 49 for acute jaundice,
395 for unknown fever, 320 for scabies,
2 for leishmaniasis, 611 for asthma, and 1754 for injuries.
خلال اسبوع التقرير، تم الابلاغ عن الحالات التالية 0 لشلل الرخو الحاد ، 2 للحصبة ، 1 للحصبة الالمانية ، 26 للابو كعب ، 9 للشاهوق ، 5000 للعدوى التنفسية الحادة ، 1094 للاسهال المائي الحاد ، 16 للاسهال الدموي الحاد ، 0 للكوليرا ، 49 للصفيرة الحادة ، 395 للحمى ، 320 للجرب ، 2 لليشمانيا ، 611 للربو ، 1754 للرضات .

Table 1: reported cases diseases, past 4 weeks
AFP: acute flaccid paralysis, MSL: measles, RBL: rubella, MPS: mumps, PRT: pertussis, ARI: acute respiratory infection, AWD: acute watery diarrhea, ABD: acute bloody diarrhea, CHL: cholera, AJD: acute jaundice, UNF: unknown fever, SCB: scabies, LSH: leishmania, AST: asthma, INJ: injuries

Figure 4: Acute Flaccid Paralysis cases by week

Figure 5: Measles cases by week

Figure 6: Rubella cases by week

Figure 7: Mumps cases by week

Figure 8: Pertussis cases by week

Figure 9: Acute Respiratory Infection cases by week

Figure 10: Acute Watery Diarrhea cases by week

Figure 11: Acute Bloody Diarrhea cases by week

Figure 12: Cholera cases by week Reported cholera cases in weeks 2023W50 and 2024W21 were based on rapid cholera test, later they were cholera-discarded due to negative bacteriological culture.

Figure 13: Acute Jaundice cases by week

Figure 14: Unexplained Fever cases by week

Figure 15: Scabies cases by week

Figure 16: Leishmania cases by week

Figure 17: Asthma cases by week

Figure 18: Injury cases by week